Pricing & Membership

We are a personalized, evidence-based practice that examines the root causes of cancer development and recurrence. Our unique practice integrates allopathic and holistic modalities to aid cancer survivors or those dealing with the threat of cancer/recurrence in improving their wellness and potentially improving outcomes.

Long-term success is best achieved with a terrain-based focus, making the patient’s body less hospitable to cancer and requiring a team's support, which our membership model fosters.

Following your 2-stage consultation, you may be able to continue working with CIOFM through a membership plan, as listed below. The complexity of your case and the current stage of cancer treatment will determine which plan is best for you.

Membership Tiers

  • Functional Medicine Membership Plan


    What’s Included :

    - 12 visits over 12 months with Dr. Jamie (45-minute visits based on needs) (Virtual and in-person options)

    - 6 virtual visits with a Holistic Dietician (60-minute visits after your initial 90-minute consult)

    - 6 virtual visits with a Wellness Coach (45-minute visits after your initial 1-hour consult)

    - A Terrain-Directed Approach with additional modalities as appropriate based on your cancer type and history

    - Supportive, personalized program designed for your success

    - 25% discount on professional-grade supplements ordered through Dr. Jamie’s online dispensary

    - Live CIOFM monthly virtual education group meetings with Q and A’s at the end

    - Access to a library of cancer-specific topics for members only

    - Portal messaging* with the Dr. Jamie or her team

    - Advanced Functional Diagnostic testing performed (not included in the membership pricing as this can be highly variable).

    - Personalized, professional-grade supplement recommendations

    - Prescription management and medication refills as appropriate

    - Access to wholesale lab pricing

    - Imaging, Procedure Orders, Prior Authorizations as needed

    - Prescription weaning as indicated, if - permitted by your prescribing physician

    - Coupon code or access to wholesale pricing for an over-the-counter Reverse Osmosis Unit by AquaTru

    - Collaboration with your oncology team and your primary care provider at your request

    - Free access to all online or in-person classes

    - Eligible for monthly group nutrition meetings.

    - Eligible for monthly group healthcare coach sessions.

    - Eligible for all monthly educational sessions. These may be on Zoom or on-site. You may need to register as space can be limited.

    - Care from a compassionate, clinically excellent physician with traditional and integrative oncology expertise providing the latest integrative, holistic, and research-informed recommendations and extra hours spent developing personalized recommendations outside of your face-to-face time.

    - Additional areas of health addressed as determined by your Functional Medicine matrix (which could include physician-directed detoxification- employing gene-based testing and deep nutrition, a food-first approach using whole, organic, anti-cancer foods, and treatment needs that are uncovered, including mitochondrial health, oxidative stress, hormone imbalance, lifestyle modification and addressing gut dysbiosis/leaky gut-as most diseases are linked to gut health.

    - 12-month commitment

    - No added fees for Specialty/Functional Lab interpretation

    - Ability to pay with HSA/FSA

    *Lengthy portal message discussions may need to be held during the visit.

    **Additional doctor visits beyond those included in the membership are billed separately based on the fee schedule below.

    1-hour office visit $750.00

    45-minute office visit $550.00

    30-minute office visit $400.00

  • $599/month

    What’s Included:

    - 9 visits with Dr. Jamie or Erin, CNP (45-minute visits) (Virtual and in-person options) over 12 months. Dr. Jamie and Erin typically alternate visits.

    - 5 virtual visits with a Holistic Dietician (60-minute visits after your initial 90-minute consult)

    - 4 virtual visits with a Wellness Coach (45-minute visits after your initial 1 hour consult)

    - A Terrain-Directed Approach with additional modalities as appropriate based on your cancer type and history

    - Supportive, personalized program designed for your success

    - 20% discount on professional-grade supplements ordered through Dr. Jamie’s online dispensary

    - Live CIOFM monthly virtual education group meetings with Q and A’s at the end

    - Access to a library of cancer-specific topics for members only

    - Portal messaging* with the Dr. Jamie or her team

    - Advanced Functional Diagnostic testing performed (not included in the membership pricing as this can be highly variable).

    - Personalized, professional-grade supplement recommendations

    - Prescription management and medication refills

    - Access to negotiated, low-cost lab pricing

    - Imaging, Procedure orders, Prior Authorizations as needed

    - Prescription weaning as indicated, if permitted by your prescribing physician

    - Coupon code or access to wholesale pricing for an over-the-counter Reverse Osmosis Unit by AquaTru

    - Collaboration with your oncology team and your primary care provider at your request

    - Free access to all online and in-person classes

    - Eligible for monthly group nutrition meetings.

    - Eligible for monthly group healthcare coach sessions.

    - Eligible for all monthly educational sessions. These may be on Zoom or on-site. You may need to register as space can be limited.

    - Care from a compassionate, clinically excellent physician with traditional and integrative oncology expertise providing the latest integrative, holistic, and research-informed recommendations and extra hours spent developing personalized recommendations outside of your face-to-face time.

    - Additional areas of health addressed as determined by your Functional Medicine matrix (which could include physician-directed detoxification-employing gene-based testing and deep nutrition, a food-first approach using whole, organic, anti-cancer foods, and treatment needs that are uncovered, including mitochondrial health, oxidative stress, hormone imbalance, lifestyle modification and addressing gut dysbiosis/leaky gut-as most diseases are linked to gut health.

    - 12-month commitment

    - No added fees for Specialty/Functional Lab interpretation.

    - Ability to pay with HSA/FSA

    *Lengthy portal message discussions may need to be held during the visit.

    **Additional doctor visits beyond those included in the membership are billed separately based on the fee schedule below.

    1-hour office visit $750.00

    45-minute office visit $550.00

    30-minute office visit $400.00

  • $399/month

    What’s Included:

    - 6 visits with Dr. Jamie or Erin, CNP (45-minute visits) (Virtual and in-person options) over 12 months. Dr. Jamie and Erin typically alternate visits.

    - 3 virtual visits with a Holistic Dietician (60-minute visits after your initial 90-minute consult)

    - 3 virtual visits with a Wellness Coach (45-minute visits after your initial 1-hour consult)

    - A Terrain-Directed Approach with additional modalities as appropriate based on your cancer type and history

    - Supportive, personalized program designed for your success

    - 20% discount on professional-grade supplements ordered through Dr. Jamie’s online dispensary

    - Live CIOFM monthly virtual education group meetings with Q and A’s at the end

    - Access to a library of cancer-specific topics for members only

    - Portal messaging* with the Dr. Jamie or her team

    - Advanced Functional Diagnostic testing performed (not included in the membership pricing as this can be highly variable).

    - Personalized, professional-grade supplement recommendations

    - Prescription management and medication refills

    - Access to negotiated, low-cost lab pricing

    - Imaging, Procedure orders, Prior Authorizations as needed

    - Prescription weaning as indicated, if permitted by your prescribing physician

    - Coupon code or access to wholesale pricing for an over-the-counter Reverse Osmosis Unit by AquaTru

    - Collaboration with your oncology team and your primary care provider at your request

    - Free access to all online and in-person classes

    - Eligible for monthly group nutrition meetings.

    - Eligible for monthly group healthcare coach sessions.

    - Eligible for all monthly educational sessions. These may be on Zoom or on-site. You may need to register as space can be limited.

    - Care from a compassionate, clinically excellent physician with traditional and integrative oncology expertise providing the latest integrative, holistic, and research-informed recommendations and extra hours spent developing personalized recommendations outside of your face-to-face time.

    - Additional areas of health addressed as determined by your Functional Medicine matrix (which could include physician-directed detoxification-employing gene-based testing and deep nutrition, a food-first approach using whole, organic, anti-cancer foods, and treatment needs that are uncovered, including mitochondrial health, oxidative stress, hormone imbalance, lifestyle modification and addressing gut dysbiosis/leaky gut-as most diseases are linked to gut health.

    - 12-month commitment

    - No added fees for Specialty/Functional Lab interpretation.

    - Ability to pay with HSA/FSA

    *Lengthy portal message discussions may need to be held during the visit.

    **Additional doctor visits beyond those included in the membership are billed separately based on the fee schedule below.

    1-hour office visit $750.00

    45-minute office visit $550.00

    30-minute office visit $400.00

  • $229/month

    What’s Included :

    - 4 visits with Dr. Jamie or Erin, CNP (45-minute visits) (Virtual and in-person options). Dr. Jamie and Erin typically alternate visits.

    - Up to 2 virtual visits with a Wellness Coach if needed

    - We continue with a Terrain Directed Approach with additional modalities as appropriate based on your cancer type and history

    - Supportive, personalized program designed for your success

    - 15% discount on professional-grade supplements ordered through Dr. Jamie’s online dispensary

    - Live CIOFM monthly virtual education group meetings with Q and A’s at the end

    - Access to a library of cancer-specific topics for members only

    - Up to 4 portal messages* per month with Dr. Jamie or Erin

    - Advanced Functional Diagnostic testing performed (not included in the membership pricing as this can be highly variable).

    - Personalized, professional-grade supplement recommendations

    - Prescription management and medication refills

    - Access to negotiated, low-cost lab pricing

    - Imaging, Procedure orders, Prior Authorizations as needed

    - Discounted pricing for an over-the-counter Reverse Osmosis Unit by AquaTru

    - Collaboration with your oncology team and your primary care provider at your request

    - Eligible for monthly group nutrition meetings.

    - Eligible for monthly group healthcare coach sessions.

    - Eligible for all monthly educational sessions. These may be on Zoom or on-site. You may need to register as space can be limited.

    - Care from a compassionate, clinically excellent physician with traditional and integrative oncology expertise providing the latest integrative, holistic, and research-informed recommendations and extra hours spent developing personalized recommendations outside of your face-to-face time.

    - We continue to work on areas to address health threats as determined by your functional medicine matrix (which could include deep nutrition, a food-first approach using whole, organic, anti-cancer foods, and treatment needs that are uncovered, including mitochondrial health, oxidative stress, hormone imbalance, lifestyle modification and addressing gut dysbiosis/leaky gut-as most diseases are linked to gut health, and continued focus on lifestyle modifiable factors-whose importance cannot be overstated.

    - 12-month commitment.

    - Ability to pay with HSA/FSA

    *Lengthy portal message discussions may need to be held during the visit.

    **Additional doctor visits beyond those included in the membership are billed separately based on the fee schedule below.

    1-hour office visit $750.00

    45-minute office visit $550.00

    30-minute office visit $400.00


  1. All CIOFM memberships are for a 12-month minimum term, which renews automatically each year unless you provide CIOFM with notice as follows: To cancel membership, you must provide written notice to CIOFM, attn: Dr. Jamie Waselenko, on or before the 1st day of the last month of any term. Written notice must be provided via email to or by US Mail (6240 Hamilton Avenue, Suite 1, Cincinnati, OH 45224. Cancellations will be processed 30 days from receipt of notice.

  2. Our monthly membership starts the day you sign up for your membership and renews on the 1st of each month. Your member discounts and benefits renew on the 1st of each as well.

  3. Membership pricing, services, promotions, and offers are non-transferrable and are only for the member’s use.

  4. Any membership fee returned for insufficient funds, incorrect credit card numbers, or card information is considered in arrears. If a membership is considered in arrears, membership services and discounts will not be available until the balance is paid up to and including the current month's due.

  5. Membership fees must be paid with a Visa/Mastercard/Discover card.  HSA/FSA credit cards may be used. 

  6. Monthly membership fees are drafted on a 30-day rolling basis and are typically withdrawn on the 1st of each month. If a payment is declined, there is a 10-day grace period, after which an additional fee of $25 will be applied.

  7. CIOFM members agree to abide by the CIOFM policies.

Unfortunately, due to federal guidelines and HIPAA regulations, we are unable to treat Medicare or Medicaid patients.