holistic cancer treatment

Explore Holistic Integrative Therapies to Potentially Enhance Traditional Cancer Treatment and Improve Outcomes

Our Functional Medicine services are intricately designed to support you as you navigate the challenges of active cancer treatment. Focusing on strengthening your body, enriching your well-being, and supporting your conventional treatment, our experienced team is dedicated to optimizing your health every step of the way.

Our approach integrates the best of modern science with personalized, holistic strategies to boost your body’s resilience and recovery capabilities. For Patients with active cancer, we dive deep into nutritional support, stress reduction, and lifestyle adjustments that align with your unique health needs and treatment goals. We approach each patient with a critical look at their terrain vulnerabilities and direct our treatment recommendations to shore up terrain vulnerabilities. Cancers are typically heavily glucose-fed due to mitochondrial damage and reprogramming, making your diet a part of our treatment armamentarium. Our goal is to enhance the effectiveness of your ongoing treatments, mitigate side effects, and improve your quality of life during this critical time. A Terrain Ten™ (1) approach is foundational for our practice. We also look at other holistic modalities to integrate into your individual case, but empowering you to alter your terrain is paramount, making your body less hospitable to cancer cells and dampening inflammation, a known driver of cancer development and recurrence.

As an accredited RGCC provider, Dr Jamie recommends state-of-the-art testing for your cancer.  We use OncoTrace for baseline and follow-up testing for the presence of ALL types of non-CNS malignant cells (CTCs) in circulation (whole blood). Importantly, this testing also includes testing of circulating stem cells (CSCs).  This allows us to compare and to assess therapy effectiveness. The therapy outcome goal is to see the CTC reduced below 2 (because statistically this lowers the risk of active disease progression), and then as close to 0 as possible. The risk of cancer progression is not reduced until the CTC number is near 1 or 0.

When CTC is near 1 or zero and the tumor stem cell markers have reduced to DIM (diminished positive) or become negative, usually this state is similar to “remission status”.  When conventional oncology reports NED (no evidence of disease) even though there is still presence of CTCs, this means the patient is tumor-free but NOT cancer-free.

Our baseline testing for patients with active cancer or elevated CTCs includes the most comprehensive individualized profile available with Onconomics Plus through RGCC.  This personalized profile includes chemosensitivity testing of both chemotherapeutic agents AND natural substances.  This allows us to test and not guess.  We can evaluate your CTCs for resistance factors to refine your therapies. 

This powerful blood test includes Chemosensitivity (Pharmacodynamic) testing to determine the effectiveness of >50 Chemotherapeutic agents + 60 targeted drugs + >50 natural substances + 5 additional substances upon request at no additional cost. Please see the RGCC website for full details.

Join us to harness the power of Functional Medicine, targeting your root causes of inflammation and empowering you with terrain modification to make your body less hospitable to cancer. Using state-of-the-art testing, we can help guide your therapies and improve cancer treatment effectiveness. Together, we’ll work towards not just lengthening survival but a thriving, vibrant life during and beyond cancer and other chronic illnesses that share many of the same root causes.

  1. Winters, N., & Kelley, J. H. (2017). The Metabolic Approach to Cancer: Integrating Deep Nutrition, the Ketogenic Diet, and Nontoxic Bio-Individualized Therapies. Chelsea Green Publishing.