cancer thriver

Stay Stronger, Longer: Tailored Holistic Plans for Cancer Survivors

Our Functional Medicine services are specifically tailored for individuals who have bravely faced cancer and are committed to preventing its recurrence. Understanding that every survivor’s journey is unique, our skilled Integrative Oncologist and Functional Medicine specialist, Dr. Jamie Waselenko, collaborates with you and our CIOFM team to develop a personalized wellness plan that not only addresses the complexities of recovery but also promotes long-term health resilience.

Our approach is rooted in a deep understanding of the interplay between genetics, environment, and lifestyle. We recognize that genetics may load the gun, but it is “Lifestyle” that pulls the trigger. We utilize a comprehensive array of tools—from advanced diagnostics to integrative nutrition, lifestyle modifications, and stress management techniques—to empower you to regain control over your health and enhance your body’s natural healing capacities. Taking this one step further, we ensure that we are looking at Terrain Ten™ (1) and empowering you to target these areas (which oft overlap with the root causes identified) to ensure you are making your body as inhospitable to cancer as possible.

As an accredited RGCC provider, Dr Jamie recommends state-of-the-art testing for your cancer.  We use OncoTrace for baseline and follow-up testing for the presence of ALL types of non-CNS malignant cells (CTCs) in circulation (whole blood). Importantly, this testing also includes testing of circulating stem cells (CSCs).  This allows us to compare and to assess therapy effectiveness. The therapy outcome goal is to see the CTC reduced below 2 (because statistically, this lowers the risk of active disease progression), and then as close to 0 as possible. The risk of cancer progression is not reduced until the CTC number is near 1 or 0.

When CTC is near 1 or zero and the tumor stem cell markers have reduced to DIM (diminished positive) or become negative, this state is usually similar to “remission status.” When conventional oncology reports NED (no evidence of disease), even though there is still the presence of CTCs, this means the patient is tumor-free but NOT cancer-free. We recommend OncoTrace as a baseline in all patients with high-risk cancers who are felt to be in remission.

Our baseline testing for patients who felt to be in remission but who still have elevated CTCs includes the most comprehensive individualized profile available with Economics Plus through RGCC.  This personalized profile includes chemosensitivity testing of both chemotherapeutic agents AND natural substances.  This allows us to test and not guess.  We can evaluate your CTCs for resistance factors to refine your therapies.  This powerful blood test includes Chemosensitivity (Pharmacodynamic) testing to determine the effectiveness of >50 Chemotherapeutic agents + 60 targeted drugs + >50 natural substances + 5 additional substances upon request at no additional cost. Please see the RGCC website for full details. This allows us to use natural therapies, shown to be active based on your personalized profile, on a rotating schedule to lessen the CTCs with the goal of preventing longer-term relapse when possible. These treatments tend to be more holistic or repurposed pharmaceutics, which tend to have a lower toxicity profile than chemotherapy.

We embrace a proactive path to prevent cancer recurrence and improve your quality of life. At CIOFM, we are committed to working alongside each patient with the aim of improving cancer-free outcomes and helping patients lead better lives (potentially being able to deal with less chronic diseases because of our root-based approach too). With us, you’ll find supportive and knowledgeable partners dedicated to helping you live your fullest life, potentially free from the shadow of cancer.

  1. Winters, N., & Kelley, J. H. (2017). The Metabolic Approach to Cancer: Integrating Deep Nutrition, the Ketogenic Diet, and Nontoxic Bio-Individualized Therapies. Chelsea Green Publishing.